《极速7》主题曲:i will see you again</p>
《极速1-6》主演之一paul walker的猝然离世给北美影坛留下了很多遗憾,为了继续《极速》系列的传奇,制片方找来了paul的亲弟弟完成了整部《极速7》的影片制作,延续了这位前六部灵魂人物之一的最终落笔。影片的最后,当两部车各入山道,渐行渐远时,镜头也从千山万里逐渐拉向了明净的天空,给世人留下意味深刻的镜头语言。观影至此,心有感动,故推荐相应电影主题曲:</p>
i will see you again</p>
singer: wiz kahalifa</p>
it's been a long day without you, my friend</p>
and i'll tell you all about it when i see you again</p>
we've come a long way from where we began</p>
oh, i'll tell you all about it when i see you again</p>
when i see you again</p>
[wiz khalifa:]</p>
dang, who knew?</p>
all the planes we flew</p>